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Expanding to East Africa - Uganda

The blessed parents school from Kampala, Uganda, is applying for an e-library

Due to Covid-19, the schools in Uganda are closed for over a year now. While the lockdown get slowly released for daily life and businesses, schools and churches are among the last ones who can come back to a normal life, which will not be before the end of this year. The students regress is not measurable and the e-library would be a big help in catching up the missed subjects.

The management, staff and pupils of Blessed Parents School, humbly request for an online library in our school. It is such a great opportunity for us to be exposed to such a program. If such an opportunity is granted to us, we shall do more research and become more knowledgeable thus remaining outstanding in Uganda. We thank you for this good program and also pray that God's blessings be upon you and your organization. Richard Matovu, Head Teacher

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The less it is possible something can be, the more it must be.

Robert M. Sapolsky


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